Learn More About Solar Electric Technology

As the solar electricity industry continues to develop, it becomes a larger energy source every year. Home solar panels protect the environment from harmful byproducts created by fossil. Additionally, each year, solar panel efficiency improves, allowing for higher levels of electricity generation. Due to these benefits, many homeowners in the San Francisco Bay Area choose to install solar panels for their homes, generating enough power to reduce or eliminate their electric bills.

How HOME Solar PANEL Electricity is Generated

To generate electricity, solar electric systems consist of solar panels, power inverters, battery packs, wiring and tracking systems. Home solar panels are usually installed on rooftops where they receive the most sunlight. However, custom racks can also be arranged with sufficient open space.

Each home solar panel consists of numerous photovoltaic cells traditionally made of monocrystalline or polycrystalline silicon. Once the sunlight strikes these cells, a portion of energy converts to DC power. The inverter changes the power into AC power, allowing household appliances to use the energy.

How Much Money Can You Save With HOME Solar PANELS?

Virtually all the solar electric systems installed in California are “grid-tied”, meaning the systems directly connected to your power supplier. During daylight hours any surplus energy generated by your solar electric system transfers back into the PG&E grid. When the sun goes down and your solar electric system ceases energy production, the excess electricity you produced during the day becomes PG&E credit to cover electricity used at night. With a properly designed and installed solar electric system you can eliminate your electric bill.

If you are considering solar electricity for your home, choose POCO Solar Energy Inc for professional installation from a company that understands the industry. Call us today for a consultation!

How solar electricity works
